Connecting to the Inner You

I am naturally spiritual, and I have studied many different spiritual genres over the years. I can rightfully say that it has changed my life forever. I have tapped into the realms of consciousness and connected with the Infinite Intelligence. By doing this, I have learned the laws of the universe in the most spectacular ways. Are you ready for miracles in your life? You hold this same power inside you. You can also access these universal secrets and combine them with intention, and WOW! Just think of something you would want... be it money, improved health, a better job, romance, or whatever else you can think of. It is my honor to help you along your path of life. Feel free to contact me with questions and also for long-distance healing. I am here for anyone searching for help.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Sing in the Chorus of Angels

God said:
To thine own heart be true means to be true to My heart. Your heart is in your safe-keeping, and yet your heart does not belong to you, for My heart is stationed in yours. Open your heart to Me, and your heart is opened, and its volume is great. Hearts are not meant to be tight. They are not meant to be reserved, on hold, stuffed back, repressed, disheartened, unenlightened.

It is your heart that becomes enlightened. Without your heart, what are you? Without your heart, what are you for? Without your heart, what do you think you are doing?

Your heart is a ripe plum of love. It is malleable, your heart.

You heart is a throbbing bird ready to take flight.

Your heart is an Excellency about to open relations with the world and make it whole.

Your heart is a voyager.

Your heart does not exist for yourself alone. Enough thinking about your heart and what it likes or doesn't like. You are not the holder of your heart. Let your heart go. Let your heart express Me for all to see and all to know. Make your heart a blessing. Your heart is blessed. Don't argue with Me about this. Why do you protest? Why would you deny the Vastness of your heart? Why would you deny the beat of My heart in yours?

Open to joy. Your heart is an ode to joy. Allow your heart to be what it is. Allow your heart its full range. Your heart is too great to stay in one place. Uncage your heart. Take a leap from thinking about yourself so much.

I have told you that you do not exist. Why put so much energy on that which does not exist except in illusion? Yes, of course, you are flesh and blood and, in that way, you exist, and yet you have replayed a song of yourself over and over again. Sing a song of love instead. Get your obscure self out of your way. It does not have the importance you give it.

Anyway, if you want to be happy, stop questioning and start giving. Substitute giving for thinking. You have thought enough, and you have thought too much on one track when there is all of Heaven to choose from.

Think for Me now, will you? I ask this of you because of your need to abandon the past and to step into the present. You live for My sake, not yours. Your life as you live it is your gift to Me. Skip onto another track. You have been on the same one for too long.

Come, join Me in Heaven, and together We shall travel the world and deliver Our love so that all may know what love is, what it looks like, what it is for. Love is not for self-gratification. It is for giving, and, so, I ask you to give. Even if you gave yesterday, give today. Give your heart a break. Parole it from its self-imposed restraints. Set your heart free so it may nurture the world and lift Earth to Heaven in everyone's eyes.

It is a little thing really to turn the direction of your heart onto a wider scope. Allow your soul to set your course and no longer be tied up so into the dalliances of the world. What the world says has its place, and yet you have a different story to tell. You are not meant to be the chorus of the world. Sing in the chorus of angels where you belong. Add your voice to Mine.

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


Dear Friends. It is important throughout the ascension process to stay focused on what is real. As far as
predictions go and ancient prophesies, the fact remains that it does not mean it is still going to come to pass.
The prophesies and predictions were made according to the timeline of a 3rd dimensional world.
As the world draws closer to living totally in a fifth dimensional existence,  the concept of time is far different.
Many people have already experienced time shifts within their own personal energy field.
The future is being created not only through the massive downloads of cosmic ascension energies,
but also through the thoughts and actions of each soul including many spiritually awake souls on earth who are at all
different levels of awareness.

       ~**~  What can cause confusion and also a distraction is taking in too much information from outside of yourself.
Yes, there are multitudes who claim to channel this one and that one, but each individual should treat every piece of
information with an attitude of detachment.   With taking every claim to heart  it is setting yourself up for disappointment
or disillusionment in the whole ascension process.     Many fall into this trap, getting frustrated and downhearted when
an event does not happen.    What is real is what is happening in your life in this moment.

      ~**~    There are very good spiritual teachings concerning the energy work that each soul needs to do to expand
their aura and fill it with light in order to ascend to the next dimension.    This my dear friends is how ascension works.
When the aura has expanded enough with the light that it no longer can stay in a 3rd dimensional world, it takes the
soul to the next level.    And so on and so on.
There is no limit as to how far you can expand your aura and ascend to higher dimensions, over time.

       ~**~    Focusing on your spirituality and the necessary work involved is the only way to ascension.
Ascending is leaving a lower plane of existence to a higher plane of existence.  As the awareness of your divinity
takes hold, so will the awareness that you are being guided by a more advanced aspect called the higher-self.
The higher-self knows your whole ascension plan and will guide you lovingly through the whole process.
The mind needs to be free of clutter to be able to feel the prompts from higher-self.  They may be very subtle to
start off with until you get used to the way your higher-self communicates with you.
Your higher-self is your very best friend !     It knows everything that is needed for your earth journey.
Please friends, take time to listen to what your higher-self is trying to get through to you.   It will never lead you astray,
it only knows Truth and Love.

       ~**~    Please be gentle with yourselves, this is not an easy process as you all have discovered.
You are always being carefully watched by the angelic beings who surround you each moment of each day, and also
each soul has an ascended master overseeing your every stage.    Do not ever feel that you are alone.
Always ask for help when you find that life is getting too much for you to cope.
Have faith that your calls for help are always heard.

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Amazing Grace - Rhema 7yr old Gospel singer

This girl has so much soul spilling out of her, it is truly amazing to listen to her.  This one always makes me cry like a baby.  It is like you can feel God flowing out of her and into you, AMAZING!!

Heavenletter, Tick Tock

God said:
I salute your bravery. You took an assignment on Earth. To you, the assignment is long-range. It is long-range to you because of the concept of time. Time is only a concept. It also happens to be the framework from which you experience life on Earth. The world made watches and called them time. You have been under the shadow of time, and you call time Father Time.

Because of your belief in time, you offer resistance to life in the world.

To spend time in a world and resist as you do takes courage. Life without the element of time would not take courage, and, yet, I salute your courage. Time is scary.

And now, with that being said, I encourage you to let go of resistance to time and all it carries with it. You do hold on tight. Your hands have become fists and your muscles tight. You do try to stem the tide of time.

You have been told before to relax. To relax means to let go of resistance. To relax is getting out of the concept of time. Although time does not exist, when you relax, you relax with a sense of having all the time in the world. Having all the time in the world is closer to the truth of Infinity. So, now, will you relax in the hammock of love that I hold you in? You can know there is no getting on or off of the love I hold you in.

Everything that matters, really matters, is timeless. Timeless has no limits. Time is full of limits. Tick tock.

Love is timeless. Love has no beginning and no end. You may experience love differently. You may sometimes say that love is over. That is a narrow point of view. Love is your permanent state. You get around that truth in many ways, and yet you cannot get away from it. Love is not fly-by-night. Love has made a nest in your heart. There is no removing it.

You have made yourself dependent upon love coming from outside, from displays of love, from evidence of love, as if you were dependent upon love coming from elsewhere, from here, from there, from this one or that. You have timed love. Love is not a matter of time. Love is not a matter. Love is a state, and it is, despite accumulated evidence to the contrary, the state you live in.

You live in an infinite state of love. Meanwhile, you think you live in New Jersey or Timbuktu. You live in My heart of love. It cannot be otherwise. You have told yourself other stories. I am giving you the true goods now. You are My beloved, and you live in a state of love. You are never stateless. Although space does not exist either, love does, and love is our permanent state.

I am bouncing love in your heart right now. I am jiggling it. I am stirring it clockwise even though there is no space or time. There is love. Love contains itself. Love plays.

Your name is Love, and yet you play a game of hide-go-seek with love. Love says, "Where are you, Love?" And Love seemingly hides. And then Love pops out and plays the game again. Love closes its eyes, and thinks it is hidden.

Although time does not exist, it is time now for you to reconcile yourself with the love that you are. You are more than a preponderance of love. You are love. You are love itself. Accept yourself. You are love, and there is no running out of it. Do not run away from love. Come, grasp it. Regardless of what you think, love is the only constant. No more peek-a-boo.

<< Choose Equanimity

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Saturday, August 20, 2011

Morning Ritual, by Thich Nhat Hanh

"At the moment of waking up,
before getting out of bed,
get in touch with your breath,
feel the various sensations in your body,
note any thoughts and feeling that maybe present,
let mindfulness touch this moment,
Can you feel your breath?
Can you perceive the dawning of each in breath?
Can you enjoy the feeling of the breath
freely entering your body in this moment?
“Breathe in I smile,
breathe out I calm my body,
dwelling in the present moment,
it is a wonderful moment.”

Thich Nhat Hanh

Saturday, August 13, 2011

The Wings of Your Heart

God said:
Where are you travelling? You are always going somewhere. What is your destination? Whether you go to New York or a small town, the destination is the same. You are coming to Heaven. You are on your way.

All travel is a metaphor for reaching Me.

Everything in the relative life is a metaphor. Everything in the world can be taken in a bigger sense.

Putting carpet on the floor is a metaphor for covering the Earth with blessings. Putting curtains on your windows is so that you have something to peek through and a bigger world to see. Mowing the grass is confirming the solidity of the ground under your feet.

You are readying yourself for the big moment when you clean your glasses and see what you hadn't seen before. Now, when you see, it is so simple, so clear, so easy. You had everything, only you didn't see. If you saw, you would see a world so lighted and so rich that you would lift up and fly as you always, somehow, buried deep, knew you could.

You would sail across the sky, and your thoughts would be wings. You would take the world with you and deliver it to Heaven. You would be a dove, and you would be love. You wouldn't miss anything now. You would love everything now. You would love yourself, and how you would laugh. You won't be able to believe that once you didn't see what you see now vastly before you. You would laugh at the joke you played on yourself, and you would fly higher and higher, and your heart would be full, and your laughter would abound everywhere.

You would soak your feet in the ocean, and still you would be light as air in Heaven. There would be no contradiction anywhere. There would be no Why's and Wherefore's. There would be love blazing, and there would be nothing else to want and nothing else to know. Your heart would be full, and you would take off again and again, only to alight and bless like a butterfly and then beat the wings of your heart all the way the Heaven. It would not even be a minute away.

This is the instant gratification you have long sought. It will come all at once. You would know that all at once leaves no room for before or later.

This is no time, and this is no space. You are out of them. No longer do they bracket you.

You can have this while you live as a human being on Earth. There is no contradiction with this. It is one and same. You have been living in Heaven all along, only you weren't looking. You were looking at objections. Honestly, you forgot to look.

It used to be that you and I thought different ways, and now We think alike, We see alike, We are vast alike. When you surrendered your heart, you surrendered your army ways. You weren't giving up anything, of course. You were gaining all you ever desired. You moved up to first-class. It was always there to move up into.

And now you alight awhile. Now you take off tight shoes, and you go barefoot. Of course, you go barefoot in Heaven. You didn't think you went shopping and bought shoes, did you? Inside your shoes are your feet. Underneath your feet is Heaven. That is as true of tar roads as it is of Heaven.

You shine from sea to sea. You are the green pastures. You have been in Heaven all along, and now you know, and now you stay.

<< As You Pour, So Will You ...

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Friday, August 12, 2011

Meditation of Love!!

Dedicated to the Divine Oneness of True Love for the Cosmic Soul everlastingly residing within our hearts and souls.

Dr Emoto proved that higher energetic frequencies like Gratitude and Love can influence objects like water into higher and lower energetic frequencies.

Dr. William Braud at eh Mind Science Foundation conducted research that proves a person can change and affect how long a red blood cell lives in lab tests.

I find these scientific results extremely interesting. 
The energetic frequency of Love is extremely powerful and can change ones life for the better.

Just remember don't just tell someone or something that you love them, feeling to your very core.

A Heaven Letter by, Brenda Mcaleer

God said:
Speak to Me of love. Leave off searching. Give up. Tell Me how many times you give love, love which is countless, and yet which can be gathered. Speak to Me of love, the indelible love in your heart. Sow it. Sow it bountifully and not even think of reaping.

You are a giver of love and nothing less. You are privileged to be able to give love, even where love seems to be not. Love is not one-way, and yet you are to be concerned only with love from your heart. That is clear, isn't it? Your concern is the love you give out, not what reaches you.

Love yourself enough so that you will give great love for the sake of giving what I ask you to do and what is yours to do for the sake of all. It is gratifying to give, so be glad that you can give. Your name is Giver. A giver carries grace. He delivers grace, and he delivers on My behalf. My behalf is also your behalf. All I have I give to you, and you give it back to Me through varied avenues. How many ways can you send love back to Me and through how many Earth ones can you do it?

In one fell swoop, you can send love to everyone on the planet Earth. You can do it right now. You can send your love out everywhere in one titanic wave of love. An ocean doesn't keep his love to himself. An ocean knows he is for all. An ocean gives his waves, and, so, many ride on him. You could say that those the ocean gives to are the ones who keep him afloat. The ocean gives, and his waves reach to Heaven.

Are you not the ocean? Are you not the water of love sparkling? And do you not lap the shores? And do you not carry ships across? And do you not fill up the pails with water for the children? Are you not the mud-maker? And do you not let the sun shine on you and sparkle your waves?

Who would not like to be the ocean who gives himself so generously and tirelessly. You never saw an ocean get tired of giving, did you? The ocean, guided by the moon, pulls back on its arrow only to gather more of itself and then to burst forth, itself the shining sea, itself the bounding main, itself churning itself so that all may float on it.

Does the great ocean, any more than any Great One, add numbers up? Does he keep credits and balances? Does he regulate the flow of himself? He is the ocean and he is the roar of it. Surf's up! The ocean needs only himself and himself to give. The ocean never diminishes himself by giving. He replenishes himself by giving.

Give love generously. Tip well. Be a big spender of love. If you are not feeling love this minute, give it anyway. No longer analyze your love and how you don't feel it enough. Give it, and you will feel it. Stop thinking about it, and you will have it. You are not meant to place your orders for love. You are meant to fill orders for love.

An ocean does not go dry. Perhaps you are fanning yourself too much. Give this mysterious love away, and you will know it. Get off the lounge chair you are lying in. Change your position.

When you take your money out of your purse, that is when you see it. Spill love out. You will never empty the bucket. As you pour, so will you discover.