Connecting to the Inner You

I am naturally spiritual, and I have studied many different spiritual genres over the years. I can rightfully say that it has changed my life forever. I have tapped into the realms of consciousness and connected with the Infinite Intelligence. By doing this, I have learned the laws of the universe in the most spectacular ways. Are you ready for miracles in your life? You hold this same power inside you. You can also access these universal secrets and combine them with intention, and WOW! Just think of something you would want... be it money, improved health, a better job, romance, or whatever else you can think of. It is my honor to help you along your path of life. Feel free to contact me with questions and also for long-distance healing. I am here for anyone searching for help.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Halloween Origins from a Shamanic Perspective

Halloween is one of the oldest holidays still active, but most have no idea of when this fascinating holiday’s history started. Where does Halloween come from and when did it start?

Over 2000 years ago All Hallows Eve, as it was called back then, was a pagan holiday to honor the dead, also called Samhain.  It is said that the veil between worlds is thinner on this night.  This enables those who choose to commune easier with the dead, or should I say Spirits.  Although there are many versions of the true origins of one of our favorite holidays, there is much evidence that trace it back to the Druids. 

Druidism was practiced by the Celtic culture in Ireland, Britain, the UK, Spain and France.  These ancient Celts would make huge bonfires and wear animal heads and skins to commune with the Spirits that they believed could cross through the veil between worlds.  Celtic priests would use this day to seek prediction from the Spirits for direction and comfort.

To me this sounds all too familiar with Shamanic actions, which according to Mike Williams Ph. D., who has studied Shamanic origins, says, “Some of the oldest remains of modern human beings, people just like you or me, are found deep underground in the painted caves of southern France and northern Spain.  They date form around thirty thousand years ago.”  The paintings on the caves, once studied by archaeologists, were deciphered as shamans in trance and the visions of the otherworld.  There were paintings of men and women dressed in animal heads and skins, just like the Druids.  They also painted themselves dancing around huge bonfires.  So, when did Halloween start?  What do you think?

I have also put together a lens on this subject with a little more info...

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