Connecting to the Inner You

I am naturally spiritual, and I have studied many different spiritual genres over the years. I can rightfully say that it has changed my life forever. I have tapped into the realms of consciousness and connected with the Infinite Intelligence. By doing this, I have learned the laws of the universe in the most spectacular ways. Are you ready for miracles in your life? You hold this same power inside you. You can also access these universal secrets and combine them with intention, and WOW! Just think of something you would want... be it money, improved health, a better job, romance, or whatever else you can think of. It is my honor to help you along your path of life. Feel free to contact me with questions and also for long-distance healing. I am here for anyone searching for help.

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Do Shamans Pray?, by Astara May

Many religious people believe that matter and life were formed through the sounds and words of a creative being, for it says in the bible, Genesis, “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light…,  Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters…,  Then God said…”, so on and so forth.  Religious people are not the only ones that use the power of prayer.  There is evidence of shamans from thirty thousand years ago that led scientists to believe that not only were these shamans using the power of prayer, but also chanting, singing, and other sounds like drumming and rattling.  Shamans have always understood that it is the actual “sound” that holds the power to heal oneself, others, animals, plants, and Earth.

Shamans from all across the world and time use the powers of prayer, chants, and songs to heal the sick and dying.  Even now days, our modern society is rediscovering these wonderful powers of sound.  All of the healing songs and chants that the shaman uses originate as a prayer.  Through drumming, chanting and singing the shaman can move more freely between the worlds, and in being able to do so can perform miraculous healings.  In one of my favorite Shamanic books, written by Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman, called Awakening to the Spirit World, they say, “Shamans frequently sing and dance for many hours before they do any journeying or healing work.  Singing is an extremely powerful tool, and Sandra Ingerman teaches that when you truly sing with passion, energy moves from your head into your heart.”

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