Connecting to the Inner You

I am naturally spiritual, and I have studied many different spiritual genres over the years. I can rightfully say that it has changed my life forever. I have tapped into the realms of consciousness and connected with the Infinite Intelligence. By doing this, I have learned the laws of the universe in the most spectacular ways. Are you ready for miracles in your life? You hold this same power inside you. You can also access these universal secrets and combine them with intention, and WOW! Just think of something you would want... be it money, improved health, a better job, romance, or whatever else you can think of. It is my honor to help you along your path of life. Feel free to contact me with questions and also for long-distance healing. I am here for anyone searching for help.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Technique and Meditation & A Nithya Yoga Practice

From Sounds to Silence, Technique and Meditation
by, Paramahamsa Nithyananda

This is a two step technique that Paramahamsa is teaching in this video.  The first step is to do 21 days of cleaning yourself of the lies that you hold within you.  For example to tell someone automatically that you love them without meaning what you are saying.  The word love changes for you, and you loose the meaning and feeling of what the word really is, or should I say the truth of the word.  So, you visualize all of these words that have been twisted into lies as bubbles inside of you, then you pop them and wash away the ooze that comes out of them.

The second step is to visualize each word at a time, because you are going to have multiple bubbles.  Choose a word that you have twisted in to a lie, then just visualize the word in your mind.  See the word as a word in your minds eye.  Then  switch to just listening to the sound of the word.  Then switch again to just feeling the word that way that it is supposed to be felt.  Lastly, be silent inside and just be.  Just Be!  This step should be stretched out to last about 15 min for each part.

All of this should be done over a 21 day period in which you should also watch and catch yourself before saying these lies.  Only say the words that you feel to be true.  Wonderful technique!

Deeper Connection, Nithya Yoga

Nithya Yoga is one of the great gifts to the world by the living enlightened master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya Yoga is not a new yoga system it is the rebirth of the oldest system.

Taking roots in the Yoga of Patanjali, the ‘Father of Yoga’ who compiled the Yoga Sutras.  Nithya Yoga is the direct experience and body language of a Supreme Yogi Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
nithyananda young age
Nithyananda at the age of 9 practicing yoga and meditation
From the young age of 3 up to 14 years old, the young Nithyananda (Rajashakeran at the time) studied and practiced under the care of a great yogi from his birth town of Tiruvannamalai in South India. Yogiraj Yogananda Puri (lovingly known as Raghupathi Yogi) was the teacher responsible for preparing Nithyananda’s body and mind for enlightenment through the time-tested techniques of Hatha Yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
Raghupathi Yogi mastered the whole science. Not only the physical aspects of yoga, the asana, apart from that he had mastered all other aspects of yoga. He worked with prana (the life energy), the mind, the power of sound and visualization.  Patanjali had deep insights into the core truths of his Yoga Sutras, a complete treatise on yoga. He is one of the greatest inner scientists to have lived on this planet.

Raghupathi Yogi expressed extraordinary powers in a very casual way.  For example, he had the strength of a superhuman with the ability to move huge boulders with one hand and even to break iron ropes wrapped around his chest by deeply inhaling.  Although he was over 100 years old when he started teaching the young Nithyananda, he appeared like a healthy man in his fifties.
Raghupathi Yogi’s insights were revealing and sometimes shocking. Many times what he revealed even looked very contradictory to what Patanjali originally recorded in the Yoga Sutra.
Raghupati yogi - yoga teacher of Nithyananda
Raghupati Yogi or Yogi Yogananadapuri found an able and dedicated yoga student in young Nithyananda
Paramahamsa would say to Raghupathi Yogi, “I am able to understand what Patanjali writes in the Yoga Sutra but I am unable to understand your commentary.” Raghupathi Yogi would reply to him in a beautiful way and say, “In all the books that you have seen and read, including the Yoga Sutras, only the verbal language of Patanjali is recorded but not Patanjali’s body language. What he originally wanted to convey is not recorded, therefore naturally much has been lost.”  It was only after enlightenment that Nithyananda understood that he had received his training and initiation into the Science of Yoga and other spiritual matters from a yogi who had experienced the consciousness of Patanjali.
Nithyananda now shares:
‘I feel I have too much to talk about and too much to share because I myself am a yogi. From a very young age the first path I started travelling was the path of yoga. Now everything I do, the shadow, smell and presence of yoga is always there’.
Almost three decades after his early training and realizing his avataric mission, Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues to reveal more about Nithya Yoga to the world as an ongoing happening, that we call enlightened consciousness. Nithyananda continuously brings back the consciousness of Patanjali with updated words for the modern age and more importantly with his very body language.
Nithya Yoga as we know is only the tip of the iceberg.  It is an evolving science that takes shape as history is being recorded.  With the use of current technology Nithyananda’s dynamic teachings will reach hundreds of millions.   By bringing the experience of enlightenment to humanity he is  marking the onset of a new age of Eternal Bliss.

This article came from the website of...

Live Webcasts: Nagarjuna's "In Praise of Dhammadhatu" by, His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a four-day teaching on Nagarjuna's "In Praise of Dhammadhatu (choying toepa)" at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, India, on October 1-4, 2011. The teachings are at the request of a group of Taiwanese Buddhists and there will webcasts in English, Chinese and Tibetan languages. His Holiness will be speaking in Tibetan followed by English and Chinese translations.

There will be a total of 7 sessions, each approximately 2 hours. All times are Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.30)

October 1: 9:30am-11.30am & 1:00pm-3:00pm
October 2: 9:30am-11.30am & 1:00pm-3:00pm
October 3: 9:30am-11.30am & 1:00pm-3:00pm
October 4: 9:30am-11.30am .

View English webcast here.
View Tibetan-Chinese webcast here.

For times in your region, 9:30am October 1st in Dharamasla, India is the same as 9:00pm September 30th in Los Angeles, USA

Definition of...Dharmadhatu:  is the Realm of Truth, in which all things exist as they really are. Dharmadhatu is combination of two Sanskrit words Dharma and Dhatu. Here Dharma doesn't mean religion as it is generally understood. It refers to ‘phenomena’ and Dhatu refers to ‘the expanse’. Thus dharmadhatu together means “the expanse of phenomena” which is ‘emptiness’ or Sunyata in Sanskrit. Dharmadhatu is also known as JanaGarbha or womb of knowledge.

The Language of Life

God said:
Who can change the direction of the wind? And, yet, you would go back and change it. You would, if you could. You would undo some of your life experience, and you would add other experiences in their place, and then what would you have, beloveds? You would make of life a collage, and you would keep changing your mind as to what should be kept and what should be moved around. You would rearrange life. You would unmake life.

You would unmake the bed you have lain in. You would pause a movie reel. You would run it in reverse. You would botch it. You would wake the dead. This is not life you would be making. Take away anything, and you have taken away life.

Never mind what you wanted or didn't want. Having what you want the way you want is not the meaning of your life.

Nor is the purpose of your life to suffer, so do not hold on to suffering. Let life be as it is, and go on with it differently. Be of good cheer. Beloveds, how do you know that what was hurled at your heart and so wounded it was not really a bouquet of flowers? You felt the thud. You thought it was a hard baseball thrown on you, and so you suffered. Even the most tumultuous matters in your heart, all your struggles there, are really buckets of posies. Flower after flower has reached you, and you thought you had knife wounds. Think anew.

Even heartbreak is a blessing to you. You refuse to believe that. You can't believe that. Believe then, if not a blessing to you, a blessing to another. You weep for the loss of a loved one when your loved one was blessed to come to Me and leave the body behind. And you would restore the loved one to life if you could.

It might help you to remind yourself that there is no cause and effect. This is just Is-ness.

Each person has his or her own book. You have yours. It's better that each person read the chapters that are his to read. You cannot flip the pages of others' books for them. You have to hold your book right side up and let it be as it is written. And, so, you bless everyone on his way, even when it means going another way at the crossroads. Bless yourself on your way as well.

When you come to a crossroads, you cross it. There is no choosing that precise road twice. You cannot go back in space or time. You can only go forward.

Whatever befalls, it is a treasure of life that has befallen. No longer be a tragedian.

What do you think would happen if you knew, really knew, that everything in life that befalls is a blessing? What would happen is that, soon enough, what you perceive as blessings, well, more of them would befall you.

What is it you want? Dwell in the house of what you want. Get out of that maze that tells you that you made a wrong turn. Drink every drop of life, and relish it.

When you are thirsty, drink. Drink at the well of life. And when you are heavy-hearted, drink at the well. Have gladness in your heart, for you are living life. You have life. You are an experiencer of life in the world.

You know it is illusion that you have been hit with a ton of bricks. Where are the bricks that assaulted you? They are not to be seen. You know it is illusion that you have been hit with a Mack truck. Where is the truck that hit you? It is illusion that you have been hit with.

If life were a language, you are simply not reading it right. You haven't understood it. Beloveds, you are taking a crash course in the language of life. You don't have to understand every word of your life. You just have to live it. You are learning the language of life.

Your Mighty Heart

God said:
When you feel heartsore, rub your heart with your right hand for a while. Your heart has been dozing. Now it will waken, and you will feel stronger. From My heart to your hand to your heart. Now your heart is right-side up again. Now your heart has picked itself up. Your heart is the pulse of life, and now your heart is ready for more. So is it in the heart of man.

Refresh your heart with peace. Your heart does not need disturbance. There is no need for you to let an intruder into your heart. Anything less than love in your heart is an intruder. Rub your heart with your right hand, and your heart settles down again. The crisis is over. Your heart is restored.

Now you are ready for mountain-climbing again. You climb once again with a knapsack filled with love. There is nothing else to carry with you.

Ascension means leaving the past behind you. Now you travel light. Now you are unencumbered. You are light and fancy-free. Everything you carried with you was a dream, and now you dispense with old dreams that you hung onto. Now you enter a simple world where nothing is held over. Now you stay in step with yourself. You are neither ahead nor behind. You are just right. You are marching with Me, and We are in sync.

Together We have reached the peak of the mountain top. What a view there is. How far We have climbed. How far you have climbed. To such heights you have reached. You have outdone yourself. By the simple act of releasing, you have outdone yourself. You have let bygones be bygones. Where did the past go? Where did it come from anyway? Now you have no baggage, and now you have a full heart. Now your heart is replete with My love. You are subject to My love. This is more than a subjective experience. It is Truth. You, My own true love, have come back to Me. You have honored yourself. You have rid yourself of whatever held you back. You cleaned out the closets of your heart. You have succumbed to My Will.

The troth you pledged is now fulfilled. You held up your right hand, the same hand with which you rub your heart, the same heart with which you pledged yourself to Me. You pledged yourself to Truth. Love is the only Truth. All else is false. Without Truth, even love in the world is false. When love is limited, it is false.

Align with Me. The world is secondary. I am primary. The die has been cast.

What was once essential to you is no longer needed. It is no longer needed at all. That is the trouble. What was monumental in the dark ages of your heart is no longer required. Previously, you thought you were in the age of munificence. It was really the age of ignorance where you held on tightly with tooth and nail. This holding on to illusion wears you out.

If your mighty heart feels mortally wounded, then beat the heart center of your chest with your right fist as the ancients used to do. Your heart will once again raise its head and see, through the forest of your tears, that the sun is shining, and that it shines for you. Look out the window of your soul. How important is your heart-wounding now? How important is it that you hold onto illusion? Why weep for a passing thing that has already passed?

<< Believe in God

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Inner Awakening Sessions by Nithyananda

I wanted to spread the idea of Enlightenment to all that I possibly can.  This Inner Awakening Sessions are an opportunity like no other.  If I can help reach more people to experience this opportunity then I feel that I have made a difference.  I myself am not able to go and experience this amazing opportunity, but if i can inspire even one person to go and feel this miraculous "Inner Awakening" then I have done something to make our world a better place.

If one of you happen to go to this...all I ask is that you come back and let me share your experience.  Thank You, Astara
What is Inner Awakening? Inner Awakening is a beautiful 21 day intense yoga and meditation program held in the Nithyananda Dhyanapeetam Ashram in India, under the personal guidance and coaching of the Enlightened Master and Avatar Paramahamsa Nithyananda, to give you the opportunity to experience and live the many dimensions of a Super Conscious state. This playlist contains many sneak peeks into the 21 day spiritual program which is conducted in a sweet, loving and caring ambience which celebrates the richness of India's ancient and sophisticated vedic sciences and culture. An open invitation and life time opportunity to live in a unique community of self actualized beings which is growing younger, anti-aging and growing in wisdom in the intense and sweet energy field of the Living Incarnation Paramahamsa Nithyananda in India. The science of epigenome and epigenetics validates the medical results of the Inner Awakening participants where 100 % of the people experience a 1300% increase in their mitochondrial energy. Even medical doctors are surprised at how even the persistent genetic diseases, handed over to you by the previous generations, like cancer, sugar, blood pressure, heart diseases, are healed by just altering the quality of your consciousness in the presence of the Enlightened Master. Read more details about these medical miracles: The 21 day Inner Awakening program which is also a Kundalini Awakening program is packed with the essence of Nithya Yoga, Hatha Yoga, Ashtanga Yoga, Brain Yoga, Kundalini Yoga and a myriad of experiential meditation sessions under the direct guidance of Paramahamsa Nithyananda. One of the many attractive side effects of this 21 day Kundalini Awakening program is the activation of the dormant strands of DNA resulting in the increased secretion of the melatonin hormone and thelomares enzyme which in turn leads to anti-aging and healing. For more details and to register your intent for this exciting journey of exploring the unknown superior dimensions of you, please click and also We welcome you with our love and respects to watch the live streaming of the daily messages from Paramahmasa Nithyananda at 7:30am Indian Standard Time on You can also join the nearest satsang location for a 2 way vidyo conferencing of these daily messages at the same time. If you miss the live news and live streaming of the Master's message, don't worry, a recording of the same and many testimonials, news bulletins, and other educational videos may be viewed at:

Dr. Joe Vitale, The Awakening Course

Discover The Missing Secret for Attracting Wealth, Health, Happiness and Love.

According to Succeed Magazine, Dr. Joe Vitale is one of the five top marketing specialists in the world today and is known to his readers, customers, and seminar attendees as the world's first hypnotic writer. Joe is also a certified hypnotherapist, a certified metaphysical practitioner, a certified Chi Kung healer, a certified Reiki Master, and an ordained minister. He also holds a doctorate degree in Metaphysical Science and another doctorate degree in Marketing. Joe is also a proud member of the National Speakers Association.

I am a huge fan on Dr. Vitale. He has brought knowledge and inspiration to so many. He really is an amazing man and I feel that we all can learn so much from him. He is not out to just make money off of all of us, he actually wants to help people. I have read his books and ordered his new course called The Awakening Course. I feel that this walks hand in hand with become an enlightened person. We all have to start somewhere and then continue to learn from others that have become enlightened souls themselves. Love, Peace, and Happiness to ALL.

Here is one of his newest and I feel one of the best he has published thus far... Click Here!

Friday, September 23, 2011

Shining Light

God said:
When you carry resentment in your heart, you are not free, for resentment lugs you around. You are at its mercy. Resentment carries you over its shoulders and bumps you into walls and bruises you.

You have a heart that is meant for love, not resentment. You have a heart meant for softness, not hardness. This is true even when someone, in her own distress, seems to despise you. Her distress is contagious, and she would like to pass it on to you. It is a hot potato.

You need not accept everything that is handed to you. Another's rough edges do not have to rub off on you. Do not latch on to another's hard-heartedness. It doesn't belong to the other person either, but for convenience, let's say it belongs to them. They will dispense with it by and by. It is for you to dispense with now. Dispense with it now and forever. You want to be free, don't you? Give up resentment then.

The person who resents you wants to give you her resentment in exchange for your good will. She wants to steal from you. You have something she wants. It could be your good name. It could be your good fortune. She will not like the person she wishes to steal from. Do not allow yourself to sit on the seat of the other person's teeter-totter.

Do not steal your good nature from yourself. Do not give it away. It is precious. Do not let someone knock you down from your perch. Do not let them walk all over you either. You do not seem to know how to balance such difficulties. Meanwhile, you fall down. Now pick yourself up.

Do not give one resentment toward another. Do not amass resentment. Do not hold it close to you. You are more wonderful to refuse to accept another's judgment of you than you are to forgive. Get the one who resents you out of your mind. Let them go. If someone wants to resent you, let them. It is their business. Dirty looks do not have to hurt you.

The only person who can hurt your feelings is yourself. When someone is unfeeling or negative toward you, you don't have to burn in the fire.

You don't want anyone to shove you aside, nor should anyone try. Most of all, do not let anyone shove aside your peace of mind. Do not give another a piece of your mind. Do not tell them off, not even in your mind. Do not fragment yourself because someone else is fragmented. Do not cut your heart into little pieces. Your heart is precious to Me. It is, indeed, My heart. Would you stab My heart?

Get anguish out of your heart.

"But how," you say. "How do I do it? My heart is stubborn. It won't let go."

Your heart is willing to let go. Your heart wants to let go. It does not want to collect debris. It is your unrelenting mind that will not let go. Free your mind and your heart will be absolved of resentment. Free your heart from the past. Shake it loose. Think of other thoughts instead of the tormenting ones that have been going through your mind ad infinitum.

Find a way to escape thinking of yourself as wronged. Or, acknowledge that you have been wronged and walk away from it. Otherwise, you wrong yourself. You undercut yourself. You sentence yourself to despair. You override yourself. You eat poison. You can help yourself. Do not drink that last drop of bitterness. Toss it away. You are greater without it. Be My shining light.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

A Short Practicum: Embracing the Shadow

I hope, here, to give you a quick and easy way to integrate shadow material into your conscious self through something called the Self-Integrating Process. The reasons to do such a thing are multi-faceted. For one, it allows you to avoid the snare of polarization within yourself (wherein you fight battles with yourself). For another, it removes you from the collective wave of Spiritual Fascism (a very good thing, indeed). Thirdly, it actually increases your energy levels because it frees up trapped parts of yourself. Remember, it takes energy to keep something down psychologically.
In addition, there are a few points I would like to introduce before we look at the Process itself.
First of all, suppressed shadow material often coalesces into a state that resembles a being or an entity. It is possible to communicate with one's shadow material as if it were a conscious being.
Secondly, accepting one's shadow does not necessarily mean accepting its behavior (i.e., if you want to stop smoking, accepting your own shadow material responsible for the abuse of tobacco does not mean that you accept smoking). It does mean, however, that you accept the part of you that wants to smoke.
Just as an example, people smoke for many reasons. Some use it as a ritualistic offering to spirit, as in Native American ceremonies. Others use it to suppress feelings. It all has to do with your intention. For those wanting to suppress anger or agitation, tobacco is sometimes used because it causes the capillaries to constrict. With decreased blood flow, there can be a temporary cessation or decrease of agitation. So let's say you are one of these folks. There are two things here: a) the behavior of actually lighting up and b) the desire to light up. The desire to light up is coming from a part of you that is uncomfortable with the arising of certain feelings. This part is trying its best to keep these feelings in your shadow realm, outside the light of self-awareness. And it is doing this because you have chosen at some level to deny these feelings. The part responsible for acting this out (i.e., grabbing a cig) is not the culprit. It is simply trying to do what you want it to do. In other words, no matter how bizarre a behavior is, the part responsible for that behavior is trying to take care of you in some way.
These parts have a kind of autonomous psychological life of their own. Their desire is to be accepted as an aspect of us, yet their fear is that we will reject them. There is good reason for this paranoia on their part. We tend to find them repugnant even though they are only doing what we asked them to do (suppress).
There is an innate fear in us that if we accept a psychological part, we will be bound to its actions. The truth is that when we accept a part as an aspect of ourselves, there is a release of psychological energy which expands awareness. This increases the likelihood that we will be able to make better and more creative choices for ourselves. When we re-member (rejoin with) a psychological part through the act of self-acceptance there is presumably a spontaneous release of endorphins and other neurotransmitters associated with wellness. Note: This is a theoretical observation I have made over the years in regards to the Self-integrating Process. As yet I know of no studies that demonstrate this, but people always report a feeling of increased wellness and wholeness after completing the process. I presume therefore, that there are corresponding physiological changes. Future research will prove or disprove this hypothesis, but whatever the cause, people feel better and more connected to themselves after going through the process.

The Self-Integrating Process
When an uncomfortable feeling arises, this is the ideal time to do the Process since the material is right at the surface of awareness. But it can also be done whenever one wishes to change a behavior.
There are several steps to this.
What is different about this process from many other self-therapeutic exercises is the lack of content. We really aren't interested in the story of why we are doing "It," nor are we interested in the history of "It." We are simply acknowledging the part (responsible for "It") as an aspect of ourselves. The sole purpose for this is to build a bridge of awareness between the subconscious and conscious levels of awareness, in other words, so that we can become psychologically more conscious.
1. First of all, when you feel upset, locate where in your body the part seems to be located. This may seem odd, but the part will be centered somewhere in your body. Sometimes, though much less often, the part may be in the energy field around your body. This area will feel different than the rest of your body. It may feel radically different if there is a lot of emotional energy around the part, or it may feel subtle if there is less stuff around it. But there will always be some kind of physical sensation where the part resides.
2. Next, simply focus on this area of your body and tell the part (silently in your mind) that you accept it as an aspect of yourself. That's it. There will be a response from the part in the language of sensation; in other words you will feel something relax, let go or integrate if the part believes you. You have to mean it. You can't bullshit a part and get away with it. Parts know if you are lying or trying to pull a fast one, and they don't like it. To review an important point: you are not telling the part that you accept its behavior. You are simply saying that you accept it. It exists (whether you like it or not). And you are simply acknowledging that it exists, and that it is a part of you.
3. Sometimes there are other parts that don't like it when you accept a particular part that you are having trouble with. These objecting parts usually have their own agendas to keep things in status quo. Some parts just plain don't like for things to change. Others might not like for you to get psychologically healthier, for instance. Is it beginning to sound like you have a circus in there? Well… you do! And so does everyone else. What makes the difference between a good show, in which all the parts work, more or less together, and chaos, is the Ringmaster. And you are, of course, the Ringmaster of your own circus. Some of our parts are clowns; some are daring trapeze artists; some train wild animals; some are pickpockets slinking in the shadows behind the bleachers. There is a whole menagerie in there. And once you acknowledge one of the circus members, you may have to contend with others. The strategy is actually quite simple. Whatever arises in yourself, tell it that you accept it as an aspect of yourself. I have known people to need to work with up to nine parts to get a final feeling of resolution or integration.
This process creates a greater feeling of personal wholeness through the acceptance of parts that heretofore were rejected. It also increases psychological energy and awareness, as I said earlier.
This process does not usually resolve problems, but with increased psychological energy and awareness the problems become less problematic.
To make ourselves more whole by retrieving parts of ourselves from the shadows of our unconscious is a holy act. The root of the word holy, for instance, means to make whole.
I agree with Carl Jung that coming to terms with our collective shadows is imperative. And this type of psychological endeavor may be some of the most sacred work we can do at this time. May the light of your own illumination and the compassion of your own heart guide you in your quest for wholeness.
Tom Kenyon

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Nithya Yoga - Yoga For Eternity

From the works of Enlightened Master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya Yoga prepares the body, prepares the mind to enter into the experience of enlightenment and stay into the experience of enlightenment. Entering is not difficult. To have a satori, a glimpse of the no-mind state, to have an experience of un-clutching, is not difficult at all. But to stay in that consciousness, and especially to express that energy through your body, requires that your body and mind be prepared. Enlightened Master Nithyananda is unvieling this system of Yoga to take us back to Yoga's roots - from the consciousness of Patanjali. Complete discourse on Nithya Yoga may be ordered through

If You Were in Heaven Today

God said:
Imagine what it would be like if you were in Heaven today. Your heart would be light. Fear would be unknown to you.

When you are All That There Is, what can consume you?

At present, as you imagine yourself on Earth, your thoughts consume you. In Heaven, your thoughts would be quite different. Love would be all-consuming. You might not have thoughts at all. You would have your heart bursting with light, and the light from you would leave no room for the random thoughts that presently make up your life.

You would be occupied with love. Not really occupied as you understand occupation. Let Us call occupation fulfillment. Yes, fulfillment is closer to the actuality. You would be in a state of infinite fulfillment. In Heaven, you yourself would be the fruition of all that you have dreamed of on Earth.

Earth has been a landing pad. Earth has been a preparation for Heaven, strange as that may seem. Heaven needs no preparation, and yet you prepare for it. Your desires prepare you. At the same time, nothing can prepare you for Heaven. Heaven is beyond anything you could think of.

In Heaven you enter a circle of love which is so binding that it sets you free. You are free now, only you have kept yourself in bondage to the world of events. On Earth you are preoccupied. Here comes the mind again with all its booming thoughts, sweeping the rug from under you, sweeping you into the brush, sweeping you right and left, back and forth, turning you every which way, even turning you against yourself rather than in favor of yourself.

It is like Earth is the gym you go to, exercise in, over-exercise in, for you believe that strenuous exercise is the key to life. If the Earth is a gym, what exactly are you training for?

Make Earth a spa instead. Rest. Rejuvenate on Earth. Make it a vacation on a gentle beach. Watch the waves. Ride them. Lie in the sun. Remark that this isle is to warm you up. Earth is a resting place rather than a fitful training ground.

Beloveds, Earth can be anything you want. Unless you know that, then you have allowed your Earth life to go by default. What if, instead of thinking as you presently do, you thought that Earth was Paradise? What if you couldn't read so well as you do and you misread the name of where you are. What a good slip.

What if your life, instead of being a novel called the Rough Seas, what if your life is a novel called the High Seas?

What if you are a child in elementary school, and Earth is the recess where you play in the schoolyard?

What if life on Earth is the playground that is meant for fun? What if all you know about Earth is that it is a playground? What if you thought differently from how you presently think?

What if life on Earth is a rehearsal for Heaven? What if life on Earth is a preponderance of joy? What if joy is your reason for being on this isle of Earth?

What if on Earth you are not only flesh and blood? What if you are the spirit of love? What if there is no space to float in and no time to do it in. Is the turtle its shell? Are you only your physicalness? You know better. You know there is a Vastness to you. Live in Vastness, beloveds. You are encased in nothing smaller than Vastness except as you have thought.

Wherever you happen to be hanging out for the present, you are Vastness. Vastness cannot be smallness, and you are Vastness.

<< God's Beloved

Monday, September 19, 2011

Be Happy Anyway!

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No matter what life throws at you, keep on shining. No matter what others say about you, keep believing in you. No one can defeat you. You are the warrior with a million smiles. - Dodinsky

Inner Awakening

Awakening is about not waiting for life to happen to you, it is not about positive thinking, personal growth or just good health. It is about going beyond your normalhappiness and pain, and awakening the unknown hidden potential energy in you that creates and bolts a powerful shift in your consciousness, permanently!
It takes you on the most joyful and intense journey inside yourself, directly under the compassionate guidance of living Enlightened master and incarnation, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. This irreversible transformational process is a modern expression of the ancient Vedic Science of Enlightenment dating back to ten thousand years.
Can you imagine what your life would be if you had the breakthrough needed to create an extraordinary life now? By our very nature, we are wired for enligtenment! Thousands are discovering a phenomenon of quantum awakening. When inner awakening happens, the higher emotions happen in you.
“There is an extraordinary potential hidden inside every human being. If it is awakened it will take you to a much higher plane of consciousness – beyond the limitations of human body-mind. Experience this super-consciousness, actualize your ultimate potential. This is the only aim of human life - to live the ultimate luxury of enlightenment.”
- Paramahamsa Nithyananda
For more information visit the website:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

All the World Is a Stage

God said:
Your picture of the world is your picture of the world. The objective world does not exist. The subjective world exists for you. All matter is a thought that manifested itself into your supposed reality.

But, enough of that. What shall We talk about now?

I hear you saying, "But, God..."

And I tell you that the world is like the way you read a story. The story can even be a fairy tale. You know it's not literally true. Are there apples made of gold metal that hang on a tree? Are there ten dancing princesses in the middle of the night? Is there really a Rapunzel who lets down her long hair so that her beloved can climb it to reach the tower she is in? Is there a Rumpelstilskin and a princess who outsmarts him? Where are these characters who enter your hearts and minds? Were they ever anything but a thought?

And yet how these stories affect you. How you are besmitten by the consciousness of the story and its ringing truths. You laugh. You cry. You believe in the stories you read or are told. In the same way you believe in what your fingers touch and the bricks of a building you see.

Of course you believe deeply in the made-up story of the world. You are caught up in the machinations of the story you live in. Is not life filled with story? Who married whom? Who went to the ball? Whom did you dance with? Who opened your heart? Who broke your heart?

No one really did anything to you, and nothing really happened. You imagined that you are in a movie, much the way you become involved in a night dream that takes you by the nose and you watch a drama that defies even imagination. All is a myth. And you, the individuality of you, is a myth.

I am the only Truth. Being is the only Truth, and you are Being. You are not doing-ness. You are Being-ness. You are Being. No matter what story you are presently in, no matter what character you play, the damsel, the villain, the old, the young, you are Being. That's all you are, and that's all there is.

You are a Being who enters a story. It is quite a story. You never know what is really going to happen, and yet I tell you that nothing happens. Nothing is happening. You are simply Being dressed in a tale of epic proportions.

There is a silent part of you that is aware you are in a story, yet, still, regardless, you are in that story. Willy-nilly, you ride an imaginary horse. It is real to you, and, yet, it is all fantasy. There is no horse. There is no you. There is no riding. Being, for a while, tells a tale and believes in it as if Being were not.

There is nothing but Being. Any way you slice, Being is all. The you you know, the daredevil, the recluse, the motivator, the hothead, the king, the serf, all of this is made-up story. You walk in illusion. You are the Emperor in his new clothes.

But how lovely the fantasies. How they uplift you or pull you down. How they run through your fingers. How they make your life bearable or unbearable. How you remember them or forget them. They are all the same anyway, whatever clothes they are dressed in. They are your imagination run wild. That is life in the relative world. That is the drama you take so seriously and defend to the end as if the drama were true instead of staged.

<< The Garden of Hearts

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Friday, September 16, 2011

2012: Truth, not Just Prophecy by Nithyananda

In this ground breaking discourse, Paramahamsa Nithyananda elaborates on 2012. This is the truth, not just a prophecy, coming straight from the enlightened consciousness of a living avatar (incarnation). There have been many predictions about 2012 by various people including NASA scientists, philosophers, psychologists, astronomers, astrologers, mystics and gurus. 

Here comes the truth, not just a prediction or a prophecy from the avatar who is opening up on this topic 2012.

Many believe that 2012 will be complete destruction of our Mother Earth, but I am of the same belief as Paramahamsa, he is not only very wise in his words he speaks truth without fear from criticism.  I feel his truth deep in my soul.  Let me know what you think if you will.

Be of Good Cheer

God said:

Nothing is to overtake your peace of mind. Your peace of mind is meant to be inviolate. As it is, you let every Tom, Dick, and Harry overcome your peace. You let every car trouble, computer trouble, any kind of headache you can think of, take over. Are you aware of this? Are you aware that you have been specializing in disturbance?

Of course, you believe that assaults on your peace come from outside you, when it is you who holds the gun. It is you who warns yourself: "Trouble coming. Trouble has arrived. You have a snag in your stocking. Pull out the army of emergency support. Stop this assault even after it has occurred. Worry it to death."

It is as if you barricade yourself from trouble by focusing on it. You chew the bone of contention until you are ragged. Oh, your car won't start, and your car's not starting becomes the takeover of the century. It is one thing that your car doesn't start. It is another that makes it a tragedy and the winner of your peace.

You are the aggravator, not the car. The car is one thing. It is a humble event. It is you who makes it the worst predicament you have ever been in since the last one you exaggerated. Make it the last.

Nothing is to ruffle you. Nothing is to disturb your peace. Your car's breaking down, no matter how huge it seems to you at the moment, is a little trickle in your life. It is not a wound. It is not monumental. Cars break down. Your computer won't start. Your ice cream cone drops. Where is your balance in life? It is not life that gets out of hand. It is you. It is you who makes little things big.

Reduce little things to size. The little things that you make big are little branches. Let them float downstream on the river of life. You are not to carry them on your back.

Be impartial about niggling events. Little events are not meant to be made big events. If peace is the foundation of your life, why do you shake your very foundation?

If peace were a room you live in, you have cluttered your room with an accumulation of socks with holes in them until you may even believe that socks are out to get you. No more throwing socks on your floor, beloveds. No more clutter of what is nothing at all.

Is aggravation more important to you than peace? Do you value aggravation more? It must be that you do, or you would not favor it so. You would not favor it over peace at all. Keep the peace, beloveds. Be vigilant about peace. Lay down your arms. Untense your heart. Declare peace your modus operandi. Declare peace, and never deviate from it. Peace is always at hand. It is always available to you. Choose it. Let go of what is not peace. Choose peace. Peace is rightfully yours.

Aggravation is your own invention. Imagine something else.

Imagine a polar bear lolling in the snow. Be a lumbering polar bear.

Imagine a puppy who plays. Forsake obstacles. Leap over them. Get to the other side. Be a playful puppy.

Imagine a child of God. That's who you are. Don't be a wraith. Bet on yourself. Bet on life. You are not in a high-stakes' game. You are in a little game. It is not so serious as you have thought.

Be of good cheer. No matter what gets in your way, be of good cheer.

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

God Gave You a Message Long Ago

God said:
The message has been sent. The message was sent long ago. You received it long ago. The message was sent over the air waves. I whispered it in your ear. I whispered in your ear what you are here on Earth to do. You do not have to remember what I whispered. You understood then. It may be unintelligible to you now. You do not have to be conscious of it. You don't have to be concerned about it because you are on the trail. When you are already walking on a trail, you don't need a map telling you how to get there.

There will be signposts popping up along the way as well.

It is ego that craves to know what your specific purpose in life is, as if to patently know your future gold stock is essential, as if you can't begin until you know the exact details.

The general purpose, the blanket purpose, is to love. That is the umbrella you go under. That is all you need to know. Within that umbrella come many specific shapes and sizes. What is it exactly that you think you have to know? The Great Ones may well not have known their specific purpose until they found themselves there. They did not have maps. They found themselves, you understand. They found themselves and with no way to turn back. They could not turn back the clocks. They could not trade in the pure gold of their existence for a specific title.

All the scrambling you do, desperately wanting to know your assigned purpose, is not necessary. Be content in knowing that you have a purpose, and you are on track now. Everyone has been blessed with a purpose.

Certainly, you have had detours. You went left instead of right, or you didn't move at all. Yet now you are in a position to live the life you know exists even when you can't give it a name.

Your purpose is greater than standing on the corner of State and Main, waiting for something to happen or a package to arrive.

Beloveds, your destiny is following you. Go forward, and your destiny will clap a hand on your shoulder. Your destiny will stare into your eyes, and you will succumb. Then you will dance a million jigs. Your destiny is you, nobody but you and, of course, Me. You are the destiny you seek.

Your importance is in you, not in a named future. Beloveds, you are not waiting for a hand-out. It's true that you might find a gold coin on the street. If you do, you will have stumbled on it. For the most part you have to mine for gold. You have to dig for it. You have to pause, take a breath, and look not for your fortune as such, look not for a reward as much as you look to give rather than receive, to know your own heart and follow it forthwith, not for what primacy you will attain but for what you can give in My Name. Start.

You are a waiter in a fine restaurant. You take trays from the kitchen, and fill them with culinary delights, and you take them out and serve them to the hungry diners. You do not fiddle around in the kitchen asking yourself: "What food shall I put on these trays?" No, you are served the trays, and so you carry them out and serve them to their rightful owners. You simply deliver the trays filled with sweetmeats.

Whatever your specific tasks, you are the deliverers of manna from Heaven. You can start delivering now. Perhaps you start delivering unprestigious pizza. That is how you follow your destiny. You don't wait for a limo to pull up. You take an ordinary cab or get on a bus. You reach out and claim your destiny, not for what it does for you, but as a gift you give to others.

<< All the World Is a Stage

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

My Deepest Wish For ALL

"The moment I have realized God sitting in the temple of every human body~ the moment I stand in reverence before every human being and see God in him ~ That moment I am free of bondage everything that binds vanishes ~ and I am free" ~

Swami Vivekananda

Thursday, September 8, 2011

11:11 A New Earth

Imagine for just a moment the impact of this one video could have is each person that viewed it and put there hearts into it...all at a specific time every day.  Focusing on the words whole heartily while in a LOVE meditative state, that alone would help to bring much relief to so many that are experiencing so much pain and fear right now.  Imagine bringing all of our love to all those in need right now.  My prayer is that this video cross unlimited people who are willing to give their heart to the world.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

Vaulting across the Universe

God said:

You are growing in love and wisdom right and left. And the growing is not always easy. Your ego is being wracked right and left, and that is how you grow. Ego is forced to step aside, at least for a while, and you see yourself rising to the sun. You did not get burned. Your ego did.

Ego doesn't go up in flames without a fight. I talk about ego as though you have no responsibility for it. Never mind, you are learning to get along without it or without so much of it.

You are really beginning to learn that there are no affronts to you, only to your ego. Oh, beloveds, think of what it will be when ego no longer pesters you and gets the best of you and when you stand above it. Picture yourself standing tall, ego on the floor beneath, and with your foot on ego, you keep it down. Now ego submits to you, instead of your submitting to ego. Now you have risen, and you are vaulting across the Universe knowingly with Me.

Ego has cramped your style. You are just beginning to find out what your style is, your true style, your true way of being unshackled from ego and ego needs. When you don't have ego, what do you require? Without ego, you who are everything have everything you need. And, if there should be something you don't have, then you don't need it. You did very much need to be without commandeering ego, that selfish twit of an ego who got in your way. I say this as it is.

We do not make an ode to ego, nor do We hold animosity toward the now fallen ego. Although ego has been an opponent, it had its purpose for you. It brought you to where you are now. Now you are a hero to yourself. Without ego, you can truly love your God-given self. Ego was like a rash, hot and itchy, and now you are not inflamed. Now you are calm and cooled down. You have removed the hair shirt of ego. No longer do you bow to it. Now you bow to the sun and to the God in you.

Let Us thank ego for helping you and the world to see what ego really looks like, hardly the picture you had of it and the importance you held it in. Now you remove your foot from the prone ego and let it go off with its tail between its legs. Ego was all an illusion anyway. It never existed except as you gave homage to it. Ego had you twisted around its little finger. How presumptuous ego was.

Now you are free of ego. Even though it had you in its power, it had no power except as you granted it. You fed ego's ego. And now you are free. Or almost free. You certainly are getting there.

What is there to say about ego when it is gone or well on its way out? Ego really never had anything to do with you! It was your ego! Instead of your training this errant ego, you let it train you! And now you are getting out from under ego. You used to be prone on the floor of life, and ego had its foot on you. You let ego go. Avast, ego, avast. At last, you are releasing your hold on it.

Let's have a party. Let's have a Thanksgiving Day. Hurray, you are outliving ego and all the pictures of the past.
<< Gracing the Universe

By, Brenda Mcaleer

Friday, September 2, 2011

Depression anxiety panic attacks audio video healing depression anxiety and panic attacks!

On their own each of these healing techniques can produce amazing beneficial results.  By weaving their powers together and by adding carefully selected rhythmic sounds and brain entrainment binaural technology, I believe I have produced a product which will bring immense benefits to anyone who uses it.

The Reboot Your Brain process does not rely on faith or spirituality to work.  It is a purely mechanical and vibratory process that stimulates the brain's own natural self-healing and self-regulating abilities.  

I decided to add the brain entrainment and binaural sound technology to the sound tracks --they are not really necessary for the process to work--but they certainly enhance it.   My personal experience and that of my close friends and associates with the Reboot Your Brain Process have been extremely encouraging.  Indeed even the most ardent sceptics have reported benefits.  The purpose of this website is to offer free self-help audio and video programs which will help people improve their lives and make this planet a better place.  

This website will not explain to you why and how the Reboot Your Brain Process works.  If you wish to learn more about the various components that are included in my audios and videos, you can do so by visiting the self-help links page. 

Can this amazingly simple self-help process help you deal with healing your body and your mind, deal with depression, alleviate anxiety, manage anger, recover from chronic fatigue syndrome and help you improve your personal performance?  Only you will be able to answer that question. 

Download the Reboot You Brain self-help audio and video files FOR FREE and experiment with them.  Try them on everything and share your experiences.

I personally have been using these for a couple of months and could feel the difference within a short amount of time.  Let me know what you think...if you like this one I will post more.
Aho, Stephanie

Reiki Self Healing

Reiki is a gift from the Creator to humanity. Healing the body is only one of the many benefits that await all Reiki practitioners. In this self-healing video meditation five Reiki Masters joined their intent to create an instrument ofealing, peace and prosperity.

Watch the video, listen to the music and follow the guide's movements--and expect miracles in your life and the lives of your loved ones.

If you are willing to open yourself to Divine Love and Wisdowm you too can be a Reiki Master.