Connecting to the Inner You

I am naturally spiritual, and I have studied many different spiritual genres over the years. I can rightfully say that it has changed my life forever. I have tapped into the realms of consciousness and connected with the Infinite Intelligence. By doing this, I have learned the laws of the universe in the most spectacular ways. Are you ready for miracles in your life? You hold this same power inside you. You can also access these universal secrets and combine them with intention, and WOW! Just think of something you would want... be it money, improved health, a better job, romance, or whatever else you can think of. It is my honor to help you along your path of life. Feel free to contact me with questions and also for long-distance healing. I am here for anyone searching for help.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Karen von Merveldt-Guevara, German MD/Energy Spiritual Healer

Karen von Merveldt-Guevara is a medical doctor from Germany, but she has chosen to be a "Traditional" healer.  To me she is a miracle worker. 

Karen von Merveldt-Guevara, physician (German MD) and healer, poet and painter, lives with her three children in Sedona, Arizona.
Born and raised in the south of Germany, a conservative upbringing and a classic school education exposed her early to Greek and Roman philosophy, history and culture of the Old World. Her vast interest in various aspects of life put her in touch with a wide range of scientific subjects such as quantum physics, psychology and neurology, and other fields of studies like tribal cultures, their philosophies and their “medicine".
During her medical studies she became aware of how important it was for her to keep her spirit nourished by using her creative talents in painting, poetry and pottery as well as playing flutes and drums.
Travels to foreign countries, private studies of the different world religions and philosophies and most of all the challenge of raising her children in Today’s world, helping them to be, who they are, formed her perception of life.
After several life-changing spiritual experiences, she eventually followed the call to work as a Traditional Healer, which means intuitively and “hands on". Having been initiated to the ancient ways of healing, the knowledge of how the five bodies of the human being interact, how the bodies can be cleared and the “imprints" of life experience released, how the Healer needs to clear him/herself and stay centered, without Ego, she is ready to share her knowledge and experience with all those, who are interested in Healing, healing him/herself and helping others heal. 

Friday, December 23, 2011

Prayer For The Earth

Long ago 
the ancients say
this land was free 
and we shared it all
with the mountains and the sea
the birds and the trees we lived in peace
long ago
before those others came
and built fences
by cutting the trees 
dug miners
 by cutting the earth 
removed her blood
the oil that lies within
formed long ago 
like us
who lived in peace

the birds sang less
without the trees
the land became dry
without the birds
to plant the flowers
and we too became quiet
watching our mountains die
listening for the birds
that no longer flew--
but still we lived in peace

what sustained us
through all those years?
the nights of silence
and the songs of the frogs

for we know 
as the ancients said
this land will again be free
and we will again share it all
with the mountains and the sea
the birds and the trees
for we still live in peace
and we wish you the same
for we are all one

HARRIET KOFALK, indigenous Costa Rican

Friday, December 16, 2011

Calendars for 2012

2012 A Day Of Prophecy, or Just Another Day?

If you have been living anywhere except under a rock during the past decade you have probably been exposed to a variety of predictions concerning December 21st, 2012. Although the calendars for 2012 from different historical cultures differ somewhat on the exact day, much of the myth surrounding 2012 centers the twenty first day of the month of December. What will really happen on the last Friday before Christmas is still open to speculation but many think something extraordinary will occur.

Mayan Predictions in Calendars For 2012

The Mayan culture believes that 12-21-2012 will be the most important day ever for humans. They see that day as the end of one long cycle and the beginning of another cycle for humanity. Many attention seekers over the past decade have promoted that the Mayans forecasted the end of the world in December 2012 but those claims are pure speculation. Mayans of today tend to believe that the change that occurs during that period will be a positive one for all humankind.

Nostradamus Holds Forth On 2012

Let us face facts. Nostradamus was never an easy read for the average person. Through natural language drift, the poems of Nostradamus have become harder to understand and more obscure each passing year. There are some hints in his writings that a large comet will either hit or come very close to the Earth during 2012, but as of yet, none of our telescopes or radar have picked up such an object. The larger the object, the higher the probability someone would have spotted it before now. Nostradamus makes for interesting reading but the Mayan prophecies are much more palatable to the majority than pondering the destruction of humanity.

Fringe Speculators Believe An Advanced Race From The Planet Nibiru Will Arrive In 2012

Small groups of people have invested a great deal of time and belief in the works of Zecharia Sitchin and his interpretations of Sumerian writings. Sitchin and others believe that a race called the Annunaki will arrive along with their planet Nibiru sometime in 2012 and enslave humanity to mine gold for them. Virtually all noted archeologists have denounced the work of Sitchin and consider him an amateur at best and a fraud at worst.
No matter what you believe, you should mark Friday the 21st of December in your calendars for 2012 just as a reminder that so many people believe that something amazing is going to happen on that day.

Aztec Calendar and 2012

December 21, 2012. Most of the time that date is sending shivers down peoples spines. Now what is with all these things concerning 2012 you may ask yourself. Well, it is the day the Mayan calendar is coming to an end. Who were the Aztecs and Mayans? They were an ancient race of indigenous people who lived in the southeastern parts of Mexico as well as parts of Central America. These ominous predictions into the calendar, comes from the Aztecs great experience in astronomy and their outstanding precision in documenting and archiving findings. 

The Aztecs used what is called the Aztec Sunstone, or Calendar Stone, since it is said to five gods who represent the five ages of the world, or Suns.  The current, or Fifth, Sun is called the Sun of Movement, which means movement or earthquake.  The other four Suns ended by different disasters associated with the day signs Jaguar, Wind, Rain (or Rain of Fire), and Water.  Professors and other researchers have shown that the end of the Fifth Sun will happen in 2012.  What lies beyond is not said.

People tend to consider that December 2012 will be when the day the world ends. The Mayans have predicted that December 2012 is the end of the world as we know it, and this is why the calendar comes to a halt, although the theory has been postulated that this is simply the calendar recycling or starting over. Nostradamus, a famous astrologer, physician and 'prophet', has written quatrains or poems that are taken as predictions by some. This is a quote from the 2012 quatrain “In the sky will be seen a great fire dragging a trail of sparks”. In this you can see that there is a suggestion of a comet passing Earth. Not only that, but many 2012 believers propose that this comet is of a very large size, which if the comet were to pass close to Earth would trigger enormous waves and great earthquakes.

If 2012 predictions were to happen you may be wondering what will happen in 2013? Considering if a comet or any other form of disasters were to occur to the human race and not completely bring them to extinction. Some might believe in the possibility of a "Road Warrior" type of life afterward, a fight for survival against all odds. In the mean time though do not live in fear of the Mayan Calendar or December 21st, 2012. For all we know it could be just another doomsday tale such as Y2K or other predictions gone wrong.

Age of Aquarius

The Age of Aquarius started before December 21, 2012, the date which the ancient Mayan calendar mysteriously ends on. People all over the world have speculated about what will happen on this date. Some think a meteor will hit the Earth, some believe that a sudden pole shift could occur and still others believe that the volcano underneath Yellowstone Park could erupt. Other predictions suggest a galactic alignment that wreaks havoc upon the movement of the Earth's tectonic plates.

While the Mayan calendar does end on this date, it is not clear whether the Mayans expected this to be part of a new cycle or if they really believed the end of the world would occur. The relative lack of written records from the culture means that scientists and other archeologists are forced to make educated guesses about what the end of the calendar might mean.

The skeptic believes that a new cycle will start and some great catastrophe will miss us. This viewpoint was stated most prominently by magician Penn Gillette in his show time series. While there may be many deaths on December 21, 2012, the amount will probably not be greater than the number of deaths that happen every year on this day, or will it?

Events such as solar flares, eruptions, and meteor strikes are unpredictable. Should the Yellowstone volcano erupt on this day it will certainly wipe out most of the Western United States. A meteor large enough could trigger a mass extinction event. A solar flare large enough to knock out the world's entire power grid is possible also. Those waiting for the changes suggested by the Astrological Age of Aquarius may have to wait a little longer. As soon as all of the smoke clears from the Age of Pisces, before us will be a new age, the Age of Aquarius, an age in which mankind will experience a great spiritual awakening.

2012 And The Mayans

The Mayans say the on the Solstice of December 21, 2012 at precisely 11:11 AM Universal Time marks the completion of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of the Ancient Maya Long Count Calendar.  But, instead of fearing this knowledge, because of the entire unknown that follows the ending of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle, we can understand that the 2012 prophecy it signaling to us to awaken and realize that these times on Earth is precious.
We are in a cross-roads moment that calls out for us to participate to the fullest of our abilities.  We are being summoned to bring our inspiration, love, and empowerment to the fore, as we all take our place to insure the transformation of our culture to be one of harmony.  We all have a place to stand in, your job is to find out what your position is going to be and what action you need to take to contribute to the betterment of our planet and ourselves.

Together we stand in front of this great initiation process, but are you ready to do your part in this transition?  New comprehension and new solutions are emerging every day, from new sciences, to new economic models, new energy technologies, new healing modalities, new educational models, and more.  The list is endless in our advancements and accomplishments.  All of this we can contribute to these times of crisis.  We finally have to unify as a human race and awaken to our personal and collective responsibilities.  With this knowledge and understanding we can make this evolution process as pain free as possible.

A very important theme of the prophecy: Becoming Conscious of All that has been Unconscious.  It is time for us to know, see, and be aware of how we can directly participate in this great transformational process.  We will be able to do this through our shared world and individual energies.  We transmit these energies through our feelings and intentions, right down to the details of our lifestyle choices. Whatever we think, say, and do corresponds to our feelings and intentions.  If our feeling and intentions our pure of heart then we can project these out into the world and do our part in this great transition.  So, there is not a need for fear, but a need for pure thoughts, feelings, and intentions.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Winter Solstice Full Moon Eclipse

I thought I'd send a quick email to let you know about the Full Moon eclipse happening on Saturday 12/10/11 - It's 14:36 Universal Time - which makes it 7:36 AM Mountain time.

So in reality - its tonight's moon that will eclipse in the morning! I thought it was confusing - so I hope you find this information helpful :)

The full eclipse is set to happen at 7:36 AM - but from what I understand it will take over an hour to become fully eclipsed starting at 5:45 AM. 
There are conflicting times - Starting from 5:45 AM to 7AM and ending 7:36 AM to 8AM.

Here are three references about the eclipse:

Space Weather News for Dec. 9, 2011

LUNAR ECLIPSE: Sky watchers on the Pacific side of Earth should be alert for a total lunar eclipse on Saturday, Dec. 10th. The disk of the full Moon will turn a beautiful shade of copper-red as it passes through Earth's shadow between 4:45 am and 8:18 am Pacific Standard Time (12:45 to 16:18 UT). For observers in western parts of the USA and Canada, the event will be magnified by the Moon illusion as the morning Moon sets behind trees, buildings, and other foreground objects along the western horizon. Please check for more information and full coverage of the eclipse as it happens.

December 10, 2011 9:36 AM EST

December 9 – 11


Moon in Gemini, Air

Sun in Sagittarius, Fire

Sagittarius Sun with the Full Moon in Gemini creates a playful creative combination dedicated to expansion and freedom. This combination may also bring the winds of change in areas of your life needing expansion or simply a shift in perspective.

Gemini, an Air sign, functions in the mental realm of ideas, communication, and creativity. It needs fresh ideas and change in order to gain inspiration to fuel fiery Sagittarius’ growth and expansion.

Full moons add intensity to any energy they are amplifying, and adding an eclipse takes everything up another notch. Be sure to take a deep breath, center yourself and focus your energy clearly in the present moment. Allow Gemini to bring fresh creative ideas and perspective to your life for any changes that may be occurring. Also, use this Air sign to make plans for any area in your personal and professional life you want expansion.

Seek out new inspiration for the growth of your projects or business. Have more fun. Lighten up. Play. Think about where you need to apply creativity to any area of your life and brainstorm on possible ways to express it. Network. Socialize. Celebrate.

Personal Action Suggestions:

~ Express your creativity by writing, drawing, dancing, singing, sewing, collaging, cooking or engaging in other artistic pursuits.

~ Breathe into any changes in your life.
~ Notice any life areas where you need a new perspective.
~ Take a renewing play date and find a way to have some fun.
~ Communicate with nature by listening to the messages blowing on the wind.
~ Laugh. Watch comedies to uplift your spirits.

Business/Professional Action Suggestions:
~ Connect to creative ideas for expanding your business.
~ Get new marketing ideas.
~ Network.
~ Write new business or promotional materials and create a new resume if you need one.
~ Call or email to connect with your customers.
~ Notice what areas of your business or professional life are changing and open to the new ideas, insights, directions, and creative solutions that can come with change.


What’s your dream? See it coming true at Saturday’s total lunar eclipse in Gemini/Sagittarius. With Uranus turning direct the night before, inspiration and breakthroughs will be palpable. The eclipse will be most visible in Alaska, Hawaii, northwestern Canada, Australia, New Zealand and central and eastern Asia. The east coast of the U.S. may see only the initial stages before moonset.
Over the central regions, the moon will set as it becomes immersed in the Earth’s reddish shadow. The Rocky Mountain and prairie states will see the moon set in total eclipse, while here in the west the moon will start to emerge from the shadow as it sets, reaching totality from 6:06 a.m. to 6:57 a.m. (PST).
Adding to the magic, both the sun and moon will be seen simultaneously in most places in the U.S. and Canada. Don’t miss this gorgeous sight!

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Bear Totem

I myself have Bear as one of my totems and have incorporated a deep understanding of this marvelous animal into my life. If you have just recently found out that Bear is one of your spirit animals, or just want to learn more about this wonderful creature, this is the lens for you...

The Bear is a powerful spirit in both image and myth. There are stories of people turning into bears and bears into humans. They have always had a special relation to each other. Bears have also been depicted as gods and constellations. The Great Bear, or Ursus Major is the most easily recognized constellation in thenorthern hemisphere. The lunar symbology ties Bear to the subconscious and even the unconscious mind, therefore it is deep medicine for those who embrace this animal totem. In some tribes the spirit of Bear never dies. Therefore, has been associated with supernatural powers and a natural power to heal. Most Shamans address Bear as Grandfather. The Navajo regard Bear with as much respect as their fellow human neighbors, which meant that they never killed one unless absolutely necessary. In the Native Americanzodiac, whoever was born between August 22 - September 22 are in the Medicine Wheel sign of Bear. To have Bear as your spirit animal is associated with being guided to assume a role of leadership, and to be encouraged to exercise your abilities as a healer. If you follow your Bear totem you will be led to a greater balance in body, mind, and spirit.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Cherokee Prayer Blessing

May the Warm Winds of Heaven 
Blow softly upon your house. May the Great Spirit Bless all who enter there. May your Mocassins ... Make happy tracks in many snows, and may the Rainbow Always touch your shoulder. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hypnosis and EFT low selfesteem and low self-confidence

Well done You Tube for removing the 10 minutes ban. You can now listen to the hypnosis and EFT session for low self esteem and low self confidence. This meditation deals with programs and memories causing low self-esteem and feelings of inadequacy. It will help you realise that everyone here on earth is equally worthy of love and respect. Simply listen to the audio and answer the questions the best you can.

We will guide you through a powerful combined session of EFT and Ho'oponopono to help you erase the false memories and programs from your consciousness.This audio includes binaural technology. Please check with your health professional before listening.
For best results use headphones.

This is a very powerful hypnosis track that can truly help those suffering from low self esteem, and guide you to self acceptance.

Shaman Fire Dance, by Astara May

Fire dancing is one of my favorite activities. I love to rise up and dance with one of my power animals, and each one dances differently. It is a fantastic feeling to connect with my spirit animal and let it move me.

The music is by one of my favorite artists, Brent Lewis. It is titled Jungle Sugar on his Pulse...When The Rhythm Begins CD

This is one of my articles that tells what a Shaman really is all about... 

Monday, October 17, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Start Your Day Off Right!

The first step towards emptying your mind is to practice sitting still, being unfocused, and experiencing pure essence.  Depending on how much inner chatter you have built up through your life, cleaning out all of the mental and emotional clutter from your mental closets may take weeks, months, or years.  However, this new empty space is absolutely blissful when you arrive.  It is very refreshing to the soul and contains a pure potentiality that is truly energizing.  When you tap into this pure emptiness, a creative spark is re-ignited and there is a revitalized sense of excitement and genuine motivation throughout your day.  

~ Eckhart Tolle

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Shaman Dance

I put together a video with one of my favorite songs to drum and dance to.  Let me know what you think...should I make some more?

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Do Shamans Pray?, by Astara May

Many religious people believe that matter and life were formed through the sounds and words of a creative being, for it says in the bible, Genesis, “Then God said, “Let there be light”; and there was light…,  Then God said, “Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters…,  Then God said…”, so on and so forth.  Religious people are not the only ones that use the power of prayer.  There is evidence of shamans from thirty thousand years ago that led scientists to believe that not only were these shamans using the power of prayer, but also chanting, singing, and other sounds like drumming and rattling.  Shamans have always understood that it is the actual “sound” that holds the power to heal oneself, others, animals, plants, and Earth.

Shamans from all across the world and time use the powers of prayer, chants, and songs to heal the sick and dying.  Even now days, our modern society is rediscovering these wonderful powers of sound.  All of the healing songs and chants that the shaman uses originate as a prayer.  Through drumming, chanting and singing the shaman can move more freely between the worlds, and in being able to do so can perform miraculous healings.  In one of my favorite Shamanic books, written by Sandra Ingerman and Hank Wesselman, called Awakening to the Spirit World, they say, “Shamans frequently sing and dance for many hours before they do any journeying or healing work.  Singing is an extremely powerful tool, and Sandra Ingerman teaches that when you truly sing with passion, energy moves from your head into your heart.”

Decide Who You Are

Decide Who You Are - Who you want to be - and then do everything in your power to be that. If a way is made known to you to create, display, express, and experience your Divine Self in ever more glory right here, right now, follow that way.

Neale Donald Walsh

This reminds me of my chosen path of the Shaman.  I have always had an affinity for sharing my love with animals, trees, plants, and humans to.  I have always had a caring and giving soul.  I believe in keeping my cup over flowing with love so that it can spill onto whoever or whatever I come into contact with.  When I say Love, Peace, and Happiness to ALL...I mean it with all my heart!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Rescue Yourself

God said:

When you are reacting, you are over-reacting. When you are upset, you have over-reacted. You made a situation something it wasn't really. There was a hint of something from the past, and you were reacting to the past and not the present. Therefore, you made a big thing of it. You blew it up out of proportion.

An emotional reaction is an emotional reaction. You do not find the past again except as you perceive it. The past was made up of your perception anyway. Beloveds, the past is made up of ego. Whether lovely or unlovely, it was made of ego.

That is what fairy tales are about. Ego. In the end, ego does not triumph. The stepmother is superseded. The princess marries the prince. The stepmother is full-flaming ego. The princess is goodness personified. The prince saves the princess, and virtue marries virtue. Goodbye, Stepmother Ego. Goodbye, Big Bad Wolf Ego.

And now say goodbye to Childhood Perception. The child was wronged or not edified enough. And now the child is grown and leaves childhood pursuits behind. Wrong is righted, for the child is grown now. Let not the witch bounce around within the child now grown, now considered grown. It is certain, however, that there is something for you to grow out of. Hurts are something to grow out of. Hurts are always from the past. I tell you this frankly.

When I say to get out of the past, I mean for you to get out of the past deeply. I am talking about the deep dark past. Do not repeat it. Whatever role you put yourself in back then, move out of it. Moving forward means to move forward. Psychologically stuck in the past is not moving forward. The past has not clung on to you. You have clung on to the past, and you have relived it again and again.

In order to live in the present, you have to get out of the past. There is no other way. Let not the past be a shroud that you cannot get out of. The past is not in your DNA unless you say so.

A pauper does not have to stay a pauper. Nor does a pauper of love have to stay a pauper of love. The whole story is about love. It is about love denied and the dream of love rising to be fulfilled. Whatever restitution you feel you are owed, it is you who owes love to yourself. It is you who has drawn those charcoal pictures of yourself in black and white. Color them in now, and be done. Adapt a new youth now. Step out of the past. Come out of the cave into the bright sunlight of today.

Come into the chambers of My heart. Enter with Me, and the past disappears, and the Eternity of the Present rises to the fore. Today is today. It is not yesterday. Do not turn it into yesterday. Step out of the past never to return. Orphan, stepchild, favored child, all that is to step out of. Whether you were loved enough or not, now you allow yourself to be love and nothing but love, love true, not love shammed. You do not wear the clothes of love. You rise to the occasion of love. Under all circumstances, you are no longer the judge. Throw off those dark robes. Now you are love true to the cause of love.

Remember love first. Remember love before ego. Ego takes a back seat. Anger, resentment are no longer for you to relive. They are for you to be done with. Rescue yourself.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Meet Your Spirit Guide Meditation

This meditation is to be used as guidance only and do not constitute professional, legal, medical or financial advice. Due to the rules and regulations and the intangible nature of metaphysical services, we are obliged to point out that this should be considered as 'experimental' only. How you act on any advice given when working with psychic tools/readings is entirely your decision.

Guided Healing and Cleansing Meditation

This is done as follows - Find a comfortable position at any time
you prefere, either sitting or lying down. Doing it before going to
sleep is a good time as you are more open to receiving external
energy and input in a sleep mode. As you sit or lay down, relax your
body, and visualize yourself open up to receive the energy of me,
Edward Alexander, and say to yourself that you accept the energy I
send out to reach you and benefit you and help you with your desired

You may also ask your Spirit Guides and Guardian Angel to oversee the process and protect you and assist you in receiving the energy.

Then take 13 deep inhalations through your nose, where you hold the
breath as long you can for each one, and slowly blow it out through
your mouth. As you do this, feel your body and muscles getting more
and more relaxed for each breath and each exhalation - your body
becoming soft and heavy and comfortable.

Feel how you become more peaceful and at rest both physically and
mentally from this simple breathing exercice.

Once the cycle of 13 inhalations have been done, send your awareness
to your body, and feel how relaxed it it, how at peace you are.
Imagine at this point a great brilliant pink light in the shape of a
ball above your head. Make it grow stronger, try feel and visualize
it above your head, and feel yourself becoming even more relaxed from
this comfortable, peaceful light that is filled with love and

As the ball of brilliant pink ligh fills up, imagine it open up and
sending a beam of light down trough your head, and this is the energy
I am sending you, filled within that ball sent there for you - along
with peace, love, relaxation, protection, cleansing and guidance in
addition to the goals you have for yourself with this energy.

Feel this great light, as it enters your head, filling up your head,
until your whole head is filled up completely with its great pink
light and my energy flowing through you and manifesting within you
the goal you have set for this energy. Imagine it spreading down from
your head, down your throat, filling you up more and more with great
powerful energy that will make you able to reach all of your goals.
It moves down further from your throat, through your chest, filling
up your chest with great pink light, and then proceeds down through
your belly and all the way down to the tip of your toes. Now you are
completely filled with this great pink energy light, filling you all
up with your intended purpose for what you are seeking from this
energy, and as it does so you feel yourself becoming more relaxed,
more filled with love, and see the energy start radiating out of your
body so it now also surrounds your body and make your whole body
surrounded by a great glowing sphere of brilliant pink light and this
powerful energy, your whole body vibrating and radiating this energy,
as it is growing stronger and stronger, knowing that this power will
make you reach your goals and that you are in deep contact with the
spiritual energy I've sent to you as well as the great divine energy
of the endless source of all that is.

Stay in this state for a while and just enjoy it, know that you are
being filled with the powers and great energies to help and assist
you and attune you towards your goals. Relax and let it flow through
your body, up and down from head to toes, several times. Then gently
make it fade away and become invisible, but know that it is still
there within you and empowering you, and that you are connected with
the great source of divine energy and the energy I am sending you.

At the end, once you've made it fade away, but still feel its great
effects, and still know its there just that now invisible, send a
thought of love and thanks to me and the Divine Source for helping
you and giving you this oppurtunity. Stay with the feeling of love
and joy in your being for a while, before you either go to sleep if
you did it at night, or take a nice good deep breath, blow it slowly
out, get up and do your daily business if done at day knowing that the
energy is now within you and that each time you perform this
meditation the effects will increase and the powers will be more
strong and effective.

The more often you perform this exercise, the better results - as said
daily basis is recommended, and it is not something that demands a
lot of time, once you get into this meditation you can easily perform
it all within 5 minutes or so, tough I recommend at least spending 15
minutes to half an hour on it for best effects as long you have the
time on your hands.

Reiki Hands Positioning for self healing

Reiki hands positioning for self-healing Well done YouTube I am now able to upload the full video instead of having to split it into two parts. :-) This easy to follow video will help you align with the Creator within you and help release the healing energy that has always been yours to enjoy. Our blue print is to be healthy, happy and productive and fulfilled. The insane programs that we experience during our formative times cause us to be derailed and sabotaged. Contrary to what the merchants of Reiki will tell you because of greed for money and power, The healing energy of the Creator is with you and all around you.

To Your Own Light Be True

God said:
Any tenseness you may have tells you that you are holding on. You are holding on to something. There is something you think you must need. There is something that you fear that, if you don't have it, you will be lacking. You are afraid that you won't amount to much unless you have it.

Whether it is money or a loved one that you feel dependent upon, you are intact. You are whole. Come to believe in yourself. You are a Divine Being solidly in My heart. Can this not be enough? At Thanksgiving time, you want all the trimmings with your turkey. I am telling you that We are complete. All else that you have held onto are trimmings. You may even value the trimmings more than Truth.

Trimmings are not essential. They are nice, yet not essential. There are two essentials. They are you and they are I. That's it. We are in it together for the long haul. We are the turkey and not the trimmings. It is not incumbent upon you to have the trimmings. Trimmings are, after all, only trimmings. Enjoy them when you have them, and enjoy just the same when you don't have them. Nothing outside you is the making of you. Outside matters may bolster you. They make you feel good, nevertheless, they are not the making of you. Or they may make you feel bad, and, still, they have nothing to do with you.

You don't need all the things you think you need. You do not need them. You can have them, but you don't need them. You and I are the making of you. You don't need all supports you feel you would be at a loss without.

Holding on is attachment. Attachments have to be let go of. The physical object you cannot let go of, you can keep, only you have to let go of your hold on it. You don't need it. You may depend on it, yet you don't need it. The same is true for people. Keep those dear to you at the same time as you let them go. Your loved ones are free agents, and so are you. Freedom is better than attaching. When you attach, your heart will get broken. What else would break your heart? Freedom does not. It is your attachment that you have to break, not your heart.

To be free, you must set others free. The more you release others from your clasp, the freer you are. You are freed from your own clasp.

Either you have attachment, or you don't. Half attached is still attached.

Attachment doesn't mean love. Holding on doesn't mean love. When you let go of being attached, you can love more. When you are attached, you may call your attachment love, yet love is not attachment. Attachment is not love. Attachment is a poor excuse for love.

So what is all this attachment to attachment you experience? You must think it serves a purpose. What purpose can attachment serve but to separate you from yourself? When you attach to another, you are forsaking yourself. You are holding on too tight to another. You have a strangle-hold on the one you presume to love. When you attach, attachments will break. Better you break off the attachment now and find easy-going love to give instead.

When you are attached, you become desperate. You become desperately in love. You become dependent upon holding on when, what you must do, is let go and become unattached. You do not need to ride on anyone's back. You are not a child who has to hold on to his mother's skirt or leg. When you are attached, you must let go so your loved ones can each be a free-wheeling being in their own light and you a free-wheeling being in your own light.

<< The Song of God's Heart

Monday, October 3, 2011

Meditation Techniques: Shambavi Mundra

Stress Relief with Cobra Pose

From the works of living enlightened master Paramahamsa Nithyananda. In this clip taken from discourse titled, " From Logic to Love", Swamiji expounds on this beautiful technique to experience enlightenment by intensely living in the senses. Currently our senses are absorbed in the cerebral layer and not in our self. Swamiji describes the technique of using Saambhavi mudra to give you the experience of the thoughtless zone or Shiva consciousness.

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Remember to Remember

We are Brothers and Sisters of the Divine Source ~!~ We are empowered to Create Miracles ~!~ We are Love Joy Peace & Light ~!~

Through the power of our thoughts and intentions it is possible to link our energies ~!~ combine our healing powers and direct them to any person or place on Earth as well as to heal Earth herself.~!~

Each and every one of us has the power to send healing through our thoughts and intentions.~!~ As the vibration of Earth is being raised ~!~ so is the vibration of our bodies ~!~ and with this increase in vibration comes an increase in our abilities to Heal ourselves and to channel Healing to others.~!~

Please unite with us to send Healing to Loved Ones ~!~ to Brothers and Sisters who may be in need and to our Beloved Mother Earth. Open your Heart~!~ Feel Love and Compassion for the people being healed and any person you wish healing for~!~ and with the intention of your thoughts ~!~ send your Love and Healing to them remember to visualize them being healed ~!~ and feel the energy of the healing taking place ~!~ then visualize them healed ~!~ and feel the resulting emotions of Joy and Gratitude ~!~

Visualize them healed, in Wellness, in Happiness, in Bliss, in Abundance, in Peace, in Harmony, in Love and in Light.
(The power of visualization is increased tenfold by attaching our other senses feelings, emotions, sounds, smells .Let’s breathe in Divine Love through all of our cells then radiate it out to the planet and our Global Community.

"Individually we are one drop - Together we are an ocean" ~!~ so let us send a wave of healing around our Beloved Earth that may reach every person in need as well as healing Earth Herself.

Love and Blessings to All ~!~ OM Shanti Namaste

The Metta of the Buddha ~!~
May you be at peace.
May your heart remain open.
May you awaken to the light of your own true nature.
May you be healed.
May you be a source of healing to all beings.
Thank you everyone I Love you with every beat of my heart ~ In Love of Oneness

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Technique and Meditation & A Nithya Yoga Practice

From Sounds to Silence, Technique and Meditation
by, Paramahamsa Nithyananda

This is a two step technique that Paramahamsa is teaching in this video.  The first step is to do 21 days of cleaning yourself of the lies that you hold within you.  For example to tell someone automatically that you love them without meaning what you are saying.  The word love changes for you, and you loose the meaning and feeling of what the word really is, or should I say the truth of the word.  So, you visualize all of these words that have been twisted into lies as bubbles inside of you, then you pop them and wash away the ooze that comes out of them.

The second step is to visualize each word at a time, because you are going to have multiple bubbles.  Choose a word that you have twisted in to a lie, then just visualize the word in your mind.  See the word as a word in your minds eye.  Then  switch to just listening to the sound of the word.  Then switch again to just feeling the word that way that it is supposed to be felt.  Lastly, be silent inside and just be.  Just Be!  This step should be stretched out to last about 15 min for each part.

All of this should be done over a 21 day period in which you should also watch and catch yourself before saying these lies.  Only say the words that you feel to be true.  Wonderful technique!

Deeper Connection, Nithya Yoga

Nithya Yoga is one of the great gifts to the world by the living enlightened master, Paramahamsa Nithyananda. Nithya Yoga is not a new yoga system it is the rebirth of the oldest system.

Taking roots in the Yoga of Patanjali, the ‘Father of Yoga’ who compiled the Yoga Sutras.  Nithya Yoga is the direct experience and body language of a Supreme Yogi Paramahamsa Nithyananda.
nithyananda young age
Nithyananda at the age of 9 practicing yoga and meditation
From the young age of 3 up to 14 years old, the young Nithyananda (Rajashakeran at the time) studied and practiced under the care of a great yogi from his birth town of Tiruvannamalai in South India. Yogiraj Yogananda Puri (lovingly known as Raghupathi Yogi) was the teacher responsible for preparing Nithyananda’s body and mind for enlightenment through the time-tested techniques of Hatha Yoga and Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras.
Raghupathi Yogi mastered the whole science. Not only the physical aspects of yoga, the asana, apart from that he had mastered all other aspects of yoga. He worked with prana (the life energy), the mind, the power of sound and visualization.  Patanjali had deep insights into the core truths of his Yoga Sutras, a complete treatise on yoga. He is one of the greatest inner scientists to have lived on this planet.

Raghupathi Yogi expressed extraordinary powers in a very casual way.  For example, he had the strength of a superhuman with the ability to move huge boulders with one hand and even to break iron ropes wrapped around his chest by deeply inhaling.  Although he was over 100 years old when he started teaching the young Nithyananda, he appeared like a healthy man in his fifties.
Raghupathi Yogi’s insights were revealing and sometimes shocking. Many times what he revealed even looked very contradictory to what Patanjali originally recorded in the Yoga Sutra.
Raghupati yogi - yoga teacher of Nithyananda
Raghupati Yogi or Yogi Yogananadapuri found an able and dedicated yoga student in young Nithyananda
Paramahamsa would say to Raghupathi Yogi, “I am able to understand what Patanjali writes in the Yoga Sutra but I am unable to understand your commentary.” Raghupathi Yogi would reply to him in a beautiful way and say, “In all the books that you have seen and read, including the Yoga Sutras, only the verbal language of Patanjali is recorded but not Patanjali’s body language. What he originally wanted to convey is not recorded, therefore naturally much has been lost.”  It was only after enlightenment that Nithyananda understood that he had received his training and initiation into the Science of Yoga and other spiritual matters from a yogi who had experienced the consciousness of Patanjali.
Nithyananda now shares:
‘I feel I have too much to talk about and too much to share because I myself am a yogi. From a very young age the first path I started travelling was the path of yoga. Now everything I do, the shadow, smell and presence of yoga is always there’.
Almost three decades after his early training and realizing his avataric mission, Paramahamsa Nithyananda continues to reveal more about Nithya Yoga to the world as an ongoing happening, that we call enlightened consciousness. Nithyananda continuously brings back the consciousness of Patanjali with updated words for the modern age and more importantly with his very body language.
Nithya Yoga as we know is only the tip of the iceberg.  It is an evolving science that takes shape as history is being recorded.  With the use of current technology Nithyananda’s dynamic teachings will reach hundreds of millions.   By bringing the experience of enlightenment to humanity he is  marking the onset of a new age of Eternal Bliss.

This article came from the website of...

Live Webcasts: Nagarjuna's "In Praise of Dhammadhatu" by, His Holiness the Dalai Lama

His Holiness the Dalai Lama will give a four-day teaching on Nagarjuna's "In Praise of Dhammadhatu (choying toepa)" at the Main Tibetan Temple in Dharamsala, India, on October 1-4, 2011. The teachings are at the request of a group of Taiwanese Buddhists and there will webcasts in English, Chinese and Tibetan languages. His Holiness will be speaking in Tibetan followed by English and Chinese translations.

There will be a total of 7 sessions, each approximately 2 hours. All times are Indian Standard Time (GMT+5.30)

October 1: 9:30am-11.30am & 1:00pm-3:00pm
October 2: 9:30am-11.30am & 1:00pm-3:00pm
October 3: 9:30am-11.30am & 1:00pm-3:00pm
October 4: 9:30am-11.30am .

View English webcast here.
View Tibetan-Chinese webcast here.

For times in your region, 9:30am October 1st in Dharamasla, India is the same as 9:00pm September 30th in Los Angeles, USA

Definition of...Dharmadhatu:  is the Realm of Truth, in which all things exist as they really are. Dharmadhatu is combination of two Sanskrit words Dharma and Dhatu. Here Dharma doesn't mean religion as it is generally understood. It refers to ‘phenomena’ and Dhatu refers to ‘the expanse’. Thus dharmadhatu together means “the expanse of phenomena” which is ‘emptiness’ or Sunyata in Sanskrit. Dharmadhatu is also known as JanaGarbha or womb of knowledge.

The Language of Life

God said:
Who can change the direction of the wind? And, yet, you would go back and change it. You would, if you could. You would undo some of your life experience, and you would add other experiences in their place, and then what would you have, beloveds? You would make of life a collage, and you would keep changing your mind as to what should be kept and what should be moved around. You would rearrange life. You would unmake life.

You would unmake the bed you have lain in. You would pause a movie reel. You would run it in reverse. You would botch it. You would wake the dead. This is not life you would be making. Take away anything, and you have taken away life.

Never mind what you wanted or didn't want. Having what you want the way you want is not the meaning of your life.

Nor is the purpose of your life to suffer, so do not hold on to suffering. Let life be as it is, and go on with it differently. Be of good cheer. Beloveds, how do you know that what was hurled at your heart and so wounded it was not really a bouquet of flowers? You felt the thud. You thought it was a hard baseball thrown on you, and so you suffered. Even the most tumultuous matters in your heart, all your struggles there, are really buckets of posies. Flower after flower has reached you, and you thought you had knife wounds. Think anew.

Even heartbreak is a blessing to you. You refuse to believe that. You can't believe that. Believe then, if not a blessing to you, a blessing to another. You weep for the loss of a loved one when your loved one was blessed to come to Me and leave the body behind. And you would restore the loved one to life if you could.

It might help you to remind yourself that there is no cause and effect. This is just Is-ness.

Each person has his or her own book. You have yours. It's better that each person read the chapters that are his to read. You cannot flip the pages of others' books for them. You have to hold your book right side up and let it be as it is written. And, so, you bless everyone on his way, even when it means going another way at the crossroads. Bless yourself on your way as well.

When you come to a crossroads, you cross it. There is no choosing that precise road twice. You cannot go back in space or time. You can only go forward.

Whatever befalls, it is a treasure of life that has befallen. No longer be a tragedian.

What do you think would happen if you knew, really knew, that everything in life that befalls is a blessing? What would happen is that, soon enough, what you perceive as blessings, well, more of them would befall you.

What is it you want? Dwell in the house of what you want. Get out of that maze that tells you that you made a wrong turn. Drink every drop of life, and relish it.

When you are thirsty, drink. Drink at the well of life. And when you are heavy-hearted, drink at the well. Have gladness in your heart, for you are living life. You have life. You are an experiencer of life in the world.

You know it is illusion that you have been hit with a ton of bricks. Where are the bricks that assaulted you? They are not to be seen. You know it is illusion that you have been hit with a Mack truck. Where is the truck that hit you? It is illusion that you have been hit with.

If life were a language, you are simply not reading it right. You haven't understood it. Beloveds, you are taking a crash course in the language of life. You don't have to understand every word of your life. You just have to live it. You are learning the language of life.