Connecting to the Inner You

I am naturally spiritual, and I have studied many different spiritual genres over the years. I can rightfully say that it has changed my life forever. I have tapped into the realms of consciousness and connected with the Infinite Intelligence. By doing this, I have learned the laws of the universe in the most spectacular ways. Are you ready for miracles in your life? You hold this same power inside you. You can also access these universal secrets and combine them with intention, and WOW! Just think of something you would want... be it money, improved health, a better job, romance, or whatever else you can think of. It is my honor to help you along your path of life. Feel free to contact me with questions and also for long-distance healing. I am here for anyone searching for help.

Friday, December 23, 2011

Prayer For The Earth

Long ago 
the ancients say
this land was free 
and we shared it all
with the mountains and the sea
the birds and the trees we lived in peace
long ago
before those others came
and built fences
by cutting the trees 
dug miners
 by cutting the earth 
removed her blood
the oil that lies within
formed long ago 
like us
who lived in peace

the birds sang less
without the trees
the land became dry
without the birds
to plant the flowers
and we too became quiet
watching our mountains die
listening for the birds
that no longer flew--
but still we lived in peace

what sustained us
through all those years?
the nights of silence
and the songs of the frogs

for we know 
as the ancients said
this land will again be free
and we will again share it all
with the mountains and the sea
the birds and the trees
for we still live in peace
and we wish you the same
for we are all one

HARRIET KOFALK, indigenous Costa Rican

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